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A Call to Action

We join together with our colleagues in a call for action from our members. The upcoming 97th AFM Convention in Las Vegas in June is an important opportunity. We urge our members and all members of our Players' Conferences to read the recommendations and resolutions in the May issue of the International Musician. The proposals from the IEB and Revenue Committee need to be justified before being enacted. Members have to take the opportunity to respond through their Player Conferences and Local delegates before any increase in Federation work dues is voted upon.

Musicians in OCSM work hard to earn their livelihood. Every dollar earned is an important one. We have seen our work dues rise over the years and have contributed our share, to the point where symphonic work dues make up over 55% of those collected by the AFM. The proposed dues increases are planned to be automatic pass-throughs. You will not vote on them locally, so the only opportunity that you will have to express your opinion about whether or not the increases are called for will be to communicate with your Local delegates to the AFM convention.

Go to the next general meeting of your Local, call your convention delegates, sign a petition, and let those who speak on your behalf know how you feel about these issues. Ask your delegates to make a clear statement about how they intend to represent you. Complacency and inaction are our greatest enemies.

We urge you to get involved. This is your federation, your work dues, and your livelihood, and those are your delegates to the convention.

Francine Schutzman - President OCSM

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